Driving Safety

Are Women Drivers Of Today Getting More Aggressive?

Women have since ages been termed as the gentler sex. To many, the conception of women will always remain as such. So, when a road safety campaign at the University Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang, recently announced, “Women drivers are getting more aggressive than their male counterparts”, I was not at all impressed by the claim. [...]

By | 2012-09-21T22:28:50+08:00 May 10th, 2010|Driving Safety|2 Comments

Three Friends Killed When Car Rams Into Lorry In Klang

Hardly one week after publishing an article entitled, “Red Means Stop”, a jointly co-sponsored safety campaign by the Sun newspaper and the Road Transport Department, 3 friends died when the car in which they were traveling, rammed into a lorry at a traffic light junction, in Jalan Haji Sirat, near Klang Utama housing estate just [...]

By | 2012-09-21T22:30:47+08:00 May 4th, 2010|Driving Safety|0 Comments

10 Common Road Offenses On The Streets of Malaysia

Many articles have been written pertaining to the Road Transport Act 1987 (R.T.O.). So far, this blog has paid emphasis to the more serious violations, like Section 81, which involves “illegal racing” and Section 41, which is driving dangerously and eventually causing death. However, this article intents to highlight a few sections of the R.T.O. [...]

By | 2012-09-21T22:30:54+08:00 May 3rd, 2010|Driving Safety|6 Comments