Driving Safety

9 Tips For Driving Long Distances At Night

If you have to make a long distance journey, say from Johor Bahru to Penang, would you make the above journey during the day? Or would your ideally perform it during the night? Think carefully, as the above journey is approximately 580 kilometers. Making the correct decision would be an important decision. If I were [...]

By | 2012-09-21T22:31:00+08:00 May 1st, 2010|Driving Safety|2 Comments

Should We Glorify Mat Rempit Motor Riding Skills?

Young people, especially teenagers are easily impressed. At times when grand prix motorcycles are held at the Sepang Circuit, there seems to be a surge of illegal motorcycle races all over the country. Illegal racing or “merempit motor” by youths have become a major headache to the police and the authorities. The government as a [...]

By | 2012-09-21T22:31:07+08:00 April 30th, 2010|Driving Safety|0 Comments

Stop At Red Lights – Malaysian Transport Ministry Road Safety Campaign

In my 5 hour grueling Kursus Pendidikan Pemandu (K.P.P.) or Highway Code lecture every week, I faithfully check students’ attire and shoes that they wear. Besides this, students are reminded again and again, handphones should be switched off. As a matter of fact, why are such stringent rules enforced at driving institutes’ premises when the [...]

By | 2012-05-24T21:16:26+08:00 April 29th, 2010|Driving Safety|0 Comments