3 Small And Yet Important Items of a Car

Small Items, Yet Extremely Dangerous Nonetheless

There are 3 important “component” or “items” which needs to be specially highlighted. These items might cause danger to the driver, if not done so.

The parts or components referred to are:

1) The Battery.

Filled with sulfuric acid, and reacting with lead plates inside, the battery emits or generates explosive gases.

It is advisable that drivers keep lighted flames, cigarettes and sparks away from this item.

In the event of “charging” a battery, it is advisable this be done in a well ventilated area, to reduce chances of an explosion.

Remember also, that sulfuric acid is a very corrosive substance, detrimental to the human skin. Should one come in contact with it, quickly splash or use lots of water to wash away the acid. Seek medical attention as soon as possible.

2) The battery and the coil.

The battery, though only 12 volt in power capacity, but when with the assistance of the coil, can generate a 24,000 volt power that can even “ignite” or start even a Volvo vehicle.

Imagine what would happen if a mechanic or a person with a “weak heart”, should accidentally come in contact with the “high tension cables”.

Doctors have advised, such high voltage can possible kill a human being.

So, do take extreme precaution when attempting to start a large c.c. vehicle, like the Volvo, the Mercedes Benz or the B.M.W. cars.

3) The brake fluid.

Like the battery, which uses sulfuric acid, the brake fluid is extremely corrosive. If accidentally spilt, on the metal body of a vehicle, brake fluid, should immediately be washed away with lots of water.

Failure to do so will cause paintwork to peel away. Eventually, as time progress, even the metal work of the vehicle will be eaten away or “corroded”.

If you should come into contact with brake fluid in serious cases, wash away with lots of water. Seek medical attention if need be, immediately!

What happens if brake fluid ever enters the eyes accidently? Or accidently drunk by small children?

Obviously, immediate medical attention should be sought. The doctor should know what steps to take in helping the patient.

Permit me to relate a true incident which happened to my mechanic friend, Mr Raman.

Squatting down at one of the wheels, attempting to repair the brake lines, he found the lines blocked.

First, he tried “blowing” into the line to get the lines unblocked, so he related. Unsuccessful, he then requested an assistant to step on the brake pedal.

To his horror, the brake fluid came spurting out and right into his eyes! After immediately washing his eyes with lots of water, he seeked medical attention.

The medical attention costs him RM500. Mr Raman prior to this unfortunate incident, was a “cataract” patient. It would have cost him RM2,850 to undergo an eye operation.

Believe it or not, one week after this incident, Mr Raman’s cataract condition surprisingly disappeared! No operation was required. For all I know, my mechanic friend could have been blinded!

By | 2012-09-22T10:39:14+08:00 September 17th, 2009|Car Maintenance|2 Comments

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  1. rainy February 5, 2012 at 11:17 pm - Reply

    in total ive taken 16 hours of driving lesson with 2/3 different instructors..but i cant seem to get any grip on how to drive a car to even pass the driving test..so what should i do to overcome this problem?is there any solution for weak students like me?

    • Cikgu Yap February 7, 2012 at 11:23 pm - Reply

      In short, you’ve finally got instructor who don’t seem able to help you. If you are in Klang town area, we might be able to help.

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