A “P” license has to be converted to a C.D.L. license within 1 year of its expiry. A “P” license could however appeal for it to be re-accepted. However, according to Section 29 (1) (b) APJ 1987, any license that is over the 3 years expiry period, will no longer be accepted for appeal.
There are certain criteria which would allow you to be able to put in an appeal.
1) Oversea Studies
There are times when a person has spent years studying overseas. In such a case, supply proof in the likes of registration particulars and college or university certificates. Proof in the likes of “air line” tickets could also be taken into consideration.
2) Personal Problems
Some people have “personal” problems which affects them to the extent whereby he / she is unable to make the change of “P” license to a C.D.L. (Competent Driver’s License).
You may find it hard to believe, but the Ketua Pengarah can take into consideration good, valid reasons put forward by license holders.
3) Sickness or Illness
Due to sickness or a serious illness, a person maybe hospitalised for a long period of time to the extent of not being able to take steps to change his “P” license into a proper C.D.L. Supplying a hospital’s certification letter to this respect would help tremendously in supporting your case.
If unable to secure the above letter, attempt to get a renown doctor to certify your illness or sickness may also assist to strengthen your case of appeal.
4) Prison Sentences
You may find it far fetched to believe, but some people do undergo “prison” sentences. This might prevent a person from being able to liaise with the Transport authorities with regards to the “P” conversion.
In this respect, being able to supply letter of certification by the authorities which made the detention order and where the detention was made would be extremely helpful.
As a license holder, you have a lot of reasons you might put forward to support your case to appeal. But the bottom line is, the Ketua Pengarah possesses the right to either accept or reject any appeals put forward. His decision is final.
Talking of the reinstating of “P” license, we should speak of C.D.L. also. A lapse of 3 years not being renewed, makes the C.D.L. Null and Void.
Appeals for the above license to be reinstated will only be accepted based on the reasons stated below:
a) Applicant being in a foreign country.
b) Imprisonment.
Unfortunately, no other reasons will be accepted. Submit documents of imprisonment and “passport” (if you are in a foreign country) as evidences.
Without these, the reinstatement of the C.D.L. license cannot be taken into consideration.
Hi please help, i passed my driving test in 2003 and has then left ot study in the UK. im coming back to work in Malaysia soon. I did not renew my probational driving licence after the 2 year period, now it has been 7 years..
Do i have to re apply? can i just renew the probational licence and start driving in Malaysia.
Your license in now null and void. You could appeal to the authorities on the ground you were studying overseas.
I would like to ask. My ‘P’ license had already been expired for two years and I couldn’t renew it for personal reasons. I had checked with the nearest JPJ and the clerk I had talked to mentioned that I could do an online ‘rayuan’ to the JPJ Putrajaya.
Is it better for me to do this online or would I have a better chance if I go and see the officials in JPJ Putrajaya? Also would there be a chance there I could reinstate my CDL?
Unless you have very good reasons, the chances of getting a reprieve is rather slim. Do not make your appeal on line. Go personally to Putrajaya to see the officers there.