Driving Safety

How Does Traffic Move in a Roundabout?

This is a follow up of an earlier article on how traffic moves in a traffic light situation. In this article, an attempt will be made to explain how traffic should ideally move in such a situation. Roundabouts are but an ingenious invention. Roundabouts are intended to disperse traffic. Some readers have written in to [...]

By | 2012-09-22T10:39:00+08:00 September 20th, 2009|Driving Safety|2 Comments

Motorist In Coma After Train Slams Into Car

Drivers know they have to give way to the Police, the ambulance and the fire brigade. How many know they have also to give way to “Trains” as well? In this country, Railway Crossings are of 2 types. 1) Railway crossings with gates. 2) Railway crossings without gates. With regards to the first, motorists have [...]

By | 2012-09-22T10:46:50+08:00 September 10th, 2009|Driving Safety|2 Comments

7 Tips On Driving Safety For Beginners

This article contains 7 advices to fellow drivers to follow. Whether you opt to accept them or otherwise, is all up to you. 1. Impatience and Attempting to Cross via Left Lane On a two lane road, you stay on the right lane as you intend to turn right ahead. Suddenly, you realize an impatient [...]

By | 2012-10-30T16:08:41+08:00 September 8th, 2009|Driving Safety|6 Comments