Driving Safety

The Necessity Of Good Health To Be A Proficient Driver

Unlike other professions, to be a driver, one ideally should be in good health. This article will therefore attempt to highlight some of the requirements of good health a driver should possess. 1) Free from serious illness. One should not suffer from epilepsy or penyakit gila babi as they say in Bahasa Malaysia. Suffering from [...]

By | 2012-09-22T09:51:33+08:00 February 24th, 2010|Driving Safety|2 Comments

Do Vehicle Seat Belts Really Save Lives?

Survey by The National Highway Traffic And Safety Administration (NHTA) of America, Shows Seat Belts Save Lives In Malaysia, it is compulsory for drivers and front seat passengers to wear seat belts. Not doing so violates Section 119 (2) of the Road Transport Act 1978. It carries a RM100 fine. It is amazing how a [...]

By | 2019-09-24T22:17:04+08:00 February 18th, 2010|Driving Safety|6 Comments