Petrol Service Stations In Malaysia – What Do They Provide?

Petronas, Shell, Mobil, Caltex, BP and Esso. Any driver or motorcycle rider must surely be acquainted with them. The latest fuel service station to join the Malaysian bandwagon supplying petrol or fuel to local consumers, must surely be Petron.

From my limited knowledge as a driving school instructor, this company, it is said, originated from the Phillippines. It is also believed that this latest service station has the support of a local businessman who happens to be one of the sons of our former Prime Minister, Dr Mahathir Mohammed, playing a major role in its establishment.

Today’s article on the topic of service station is specifically intended to highlight the important role it plays in the lives of the Malaysian public as a whole. First and foremost, petrol service stations has been in existence since a long while ago. And I in fact believes we owe this establishment some appreciation for its yeoman service to us drivers. I am sure the majority of the Malaysian public, both drivers and riders as well, would like to convey or extend some form of appreciation to it.

What in reality is meant by ‘Petrol Service Stations’ in Malaysia? And what exactly does it contribute to the Malaysian driving and riding community as a whole? For easier reading purposes, I will be itemising its contents.

1. Providing petrol or fuel

The presence of petrol stations such as Petronas and Shell, for example is to first of all to supply us FUEL or PETROL. Most stations supply us grade RON 95 or 97 petrol at varying prices. It also supplies transport vehicles such as lorries, trailers and buses DIESEL and NGV.

We see petrol stations of various brands located at each and every corner of our towns yet little do we realise how lucky we actually are. In the place where I reside which is in Meru Road, Klang, there exists at least three or four well known petrol stations in the likes of PETRONAS, BP, PETRON, all clustered together.

How convenient it is for all of us, more especially to this writer. Syabas or well done to petrol companies for the provision of such excellent services to all of us.

2. Providing motoring oils and other lubricants for motorists

Fuel or petrol or diesel are not the only commodities which petrol service stations provide to the Malaysian public. Service stations supply motor or vehicles other motoring needs, such as battery water, engine or lubricating oils of all sorts and varieties.

Lubricating and transmissions oils are easily available in quart tins as well as litre containers. A motorist, be it drivers or motorcycle riders, need not suffer the inconvenienes of having to visit ‘spare-part shops’. You can actually get everything you need from service stations such as Shell and Esso nearby.

From service stations, the public can also obtain other items such as radiator wash, car batteries, starter cables, polishing materials and anything your car needs. The list is in fact endless.

3. Some petrol stations even provide car servicing services as well:

If one is busy working, and you do not posses the time to clean or keep your vehicle in tip-top condition, do not despair. As they say, the service-station nearby is always there. For a small fee of some RM8 to RM20, the service station will wash, service your engine and undercarriage as well.

Most however, even do a good job of vacuuming and cleaning up the interiors of your valued vehicle. All it needs, is that you provide some 2 or 3 hours for the servicing services stations to do the job well. Nevertheless such servicing services as referred to above are unfortunately surely but slowly disappearing from the market.

Due to labour shortage, escalating costs and water shortages, this special service to consumers, may very well come to a halt in the very near future. If that should happen, what a waste it would indeed be!

4. Car repair services by foreman and mechanics are usually available at service stations as well

If you should be travelling outstation or maybe going back home to your kampung or balik kampung as we Malaysians call it, and should you be unfortunate enough to sustain mechanical problems of any sort, feel convenient to drop in to any service stations all across the country any time to get some assistance. There definitely would be a friendly and helpful mechanic around who would be ever ready to render you some help.

I was once crossing the remote town of Batangkali near Genting Highlands, when he met with a major brake failure. And with no money in hand, except a credit card, can you imagine what sort of predicament I was in?

Would you believe or not a considerate foreman was good enough to agree repairing my brake system for me. Finally, the foreman’s young assistant had to follow me in my old jalopy, a Toyota DX, to Rawang town (30 miles away) to the Malayan Banking bank to withdraw money.

To the kind-heart mechanic, whose name I do not even know, thank you, sir. You certainly saved my day. This driving school instructor sure is indebted to you!

5. Providing free services of air (pressure) and water to motorists

Many motorists may not be aware, service stations provide some very essential items which we Malaysian drivers and riders seem to take for granted. The items are non other than air and of course, water.

These items are provided by service stations for free! But unfortunately, how many of us drivers, really appreciate?

Has anyone of us ever taken the trouble to say ‘thank you’ to the service station personal or manager? Think about what I’m saying. Don’t you think it is about time we did something about our lackdasical attitude?

Before taking leave from this important topic of reference, yours sincerely would like to issue all of you readers a timely reminder. When using air or pressure dispensing equipment provided free of charge by service stations, make it a point to use the above items in a proper manner and with care. Don’t ever mishandle them wantonly.

Service stations spent quite a lot of money to upkeep the above equipment. Let us begin being fair to service-stations from now on!

6. Most service stations are in fact convenience stores as well.

In our country, most petrol stations act as a convenience store or a small supermarket as well. They sell almost anything you require. Newspapers, magazines, tin and packet drinks, even medicines too. You can get bread, biscuits, tidbits and as said earlier, spare parts and other motoring needs as well.

Do you know that some petrol stations even go to the extent of providing weary drivers hot drinks and refreshments such as Milo, Horlicks and Nescafe?

This is done especially during balik kampung season during festivals such as Hari Raya, Chinese New Year, Deepavali and Christmas time.

7. The provision of prayer rooms and toilet facilities, washroom as well.

Those of us who travel home to our kampungs or place of origin, must surely need prayer rooms, especially to cater for our Muslim brothers and sisters. Washroom, toilets and latrines are a sure find in petrol service stations all across the country.

This article highlights the important role played by petrol service stations in the lives of Malaysian drivers and motorcycle riders throughout our country. It is hoped that Malaysians will in the future had a better understanding of the role Malaysian Petrol service stations play!

By | 2014-08-27T16:51:10+08:00 June 26th, 2014|Driving In Malaysia|2 Comments

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  1. nicky yong July 16, 2014 at 10:17 am - Reply

    Hi, my case i had attended the car license kursus few years ago, and can i continue to take the exam for the car license and go on to take the test of car license?? Thxs for your concern.

    • Cikgu Yap July 20, 2014 at 11:50 am - Reply

      Dear Nicky, Your kursus has expired! Do another one.

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