Malaysian drivers misusing “alcohol” and “dadah” or “drugs”, face Section 44 and Section 45 (i) of the Road Transport Act 1978 (R.T.O). To pin or charge a driver for the above 2 sections is not an easy task.
In fact, it is extremely difficult. Three reasons exist for this. They are:
1) Unlike alcohol, the authorities – the Police and the J.P.J. (Road Transport Authorities) have a “breathalyzer” machine to assist them.
2) Suspected “alcohol” drivers could be arrested and taken to the clinic or hospital for the necessary tests.
3) Dadah or drugs is also a medication, existing in most pills, cough mixtures and so on.
The lack of item number 1 above alone, makes it extremely difficult, if not impossible for both the Police and other authorities to deal with Malaysian drivers accused of using drugs.
Drivers should be aware that many types of medication can cause tiredness, a person to be lethargic, drowsy, lack concentration and sometimes even to hallucinate.
As such, a driver who wishes to drive, should first seek the doctor’s advice prior to taking any form of medication.
As explained earlier, to associate a driver with the use of “dadah” or “drugs” is a difficult charge. How then are drivers charged?
Most drivers, especially of “express” buses, when and if involved in accidents, should be under suspicion to be involved in drugs usage. In such cases, these drivers will then be sent for check-ups at the hospital to “verify” if they are involved in drugs.
The same applies to ordinary car drivers. At road blocks, the authorities are in constant look out for such drivers. Drivers possessing signs of drug usage, would obviously be detained.
At road blocks, the Police and other authorities are constantly on the lookout for drivers who appear to be on drugs above. The tell tale signs are physical appearance, unkempt long haired, untidiness etc.
Some possesses needle marks on their arms. A bodily search might probably result in a successful find.
Some might even disagree with the manner we’re unfairly suspecting someone, but, for the good of everyone else, such unwarranted actions, though unfair, are needed. The safety of other road users have to be safeguarded.
Lest we forget, those drivers who use “dadah” or “drugs”, can cause accidents.
The law remains. Drivers who are involved in the use of “alcohol” and “drugs”, have to face the music. Action will have to be taken against them.
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