Malaysian motorists, especially errant road users, kindly take note. The authorities, which includes the Police, the Road Transport Department and others responsible for road safety has announced the A.E.S. which has been planned for quite some time now, has finally arrived.
It has now been announced, that the above system has been implemented, as from the 23rd September 2012. Initially, 14 Blackspots areas will see the implementation of cameras there. Its mission is to nab or arrest drivers and riders who fancy breaking the speed limit and beating traffic lights.
Using cameras and CCTV gadgets in controlling or recording traffic offences is not something new. It has in fact been used in other countries like Singapore, the United States, England and Europe. The results are encouraging.
Malaysian authorities now feel, that the rising incidents and deaths on our roads are now becoming alarmingly staggering. Some concrete steps should ideally be taken to prevent the situation from becoming worse.
Below are 11 pertinent questions which readers might want answered regarding the A.E.S.
1. Initially, where will the A.E.S. be implemented?
It will be put into action in Selangor, Perak, Putrajaya and also Kuala Lumpur.
2. How many cameras will be used in the initial stages?
14 altogether. 10 are supposed to nab drivers for speeding. 4 will be used to take action upon those breaking traffic lights violations.
3. Will the A.E.S. system be implemented throughout our country eventually?
The authorities say, there exists 817 black spots where the majority of accidents take place. During the 2nd phase of implementation, it is expected that the entire nation will be covered.
4. Can motorists check whether they have violated or been caught by these surveillance cameras under the A.E.S. system?
Definitely yes! Do not be unduly worried. Go to, you can get your queries answered there.
5. Would motorists be able to check upon where the A.E.S. is being implemented initially?
Motorists are advised to refer to the above mentioned website. From it, you can well gather information of where the operations are being conducted. Through knowing the locations, drivers can behave more responsibly and drive according to the law. Thus the number of road accidents will decrease. And we also hope that the government’s objectives of reducing fatal accidents will be achieved.
6. How should Malaysian motorists view the A.E.S?
The road Transport Department wants motorists to consider the implementation of this system as a mode of educating road users. It is not, as many suspect, to give clout or power to the JPJ or Police to issue summons to wrong doers. That is from being our intention!
7. Will there be warning signs erected in places where automated cameras are fixed?
The answer is YES! Like always, warning signs for speeding are normally erected 2-3 kilometers before the cameras are placed. For those beating traffic lights, usually warning notices are placed approximately 50-100 meters from traffic lights.
8. Where are the photographs and pictures captured on A.E.S. cameras forwarded?
They are forwarded to the A.E.S. Control Center. Vehicle registration numbers of offenders are cross checked rigorously with our data particulars of JPJ records. Only them, all summonses issued.
9. What if photographs taken do not match with registration particulars supplied by JPJ records, what then?
Where the driver is found not to be owner of a vehicle, when the offence was said to have occurred, owners can submit the offender’s particulars within 30 days.
10. What if offenders wish to contest the offence said to have been committed?
Well, it’s easy. Come to the courts at the time and day specified in the summons. It is as simple as that.
11. And finally, what should drivers who have received summons of their infringements should they receive their notices of summons?
Feel free to call A.E.S. Control Center. The contact number is 03-78464400 for Perak and 03-76288268 for residents of Kuala Lumpur, Selangor and Putrajaya.
It should be remembered that as from 23rd of September 2012, drivers are advised to be more disciplined and be patient. The A.E.S. is in its process of implementation. Restrain yourself. If you see the traffic lights turning amber, get ready to stop.
Beating the lights will cause you to be nabbed. The cost of it may turn out to be rather expensive. I am almost certain that the vast majority of Malaysian drivers will want to avoid getting summons if they can help it. After all, getting summoned as one knows, can be an very costly affair.
Incidentally, in case you do not know, beating the traffic light is a RM300 fine! So also, is offences for speeding too.
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