What is A.E.S.?
It means Automated Enforcement System. In short, it means the use of cameras to monitor the activities of traffic offenders, especially at traffic lights.
It is reported that Malaysia has the intention of achieving 1st world safety practices among road users in about 10 to 15 years.
To achieve this, Malaysia will have to introduce the A.E.S., beginning from May 2010. The system will be first introduced in Selangor and Perak initially. Nationwide implementation of this latest system to monitor traffic is said to be scheduled for September 2010.
What is the aim of A.E.S.? According to Road Safety Department, Director-General, Datuk Sureet Singh, the above system will be initially target 2 types of violations. They are violation of red traffic lights and speeding.
It is pointless to have stricter laws and harsher penalties. Unless of course traffic offenders are caught. Datuk Sureet Singh, went on to add, “increasing the probability of being caught with effective enforcement will deter road users from breaking the law.
How are 3rd world motorists like Malaysia, for example, be expected to change their mindset and behavior? This can be done by education and effective enforcement of the existing traffic laws.
Enforcement by police, and the J.P.J. authorities cannot cope with the volume of road users. Given this situation, the Perception of Being Caught (POBC) for a traffic offense has dropped to between 25% and 49% in recent years.
Road users, it is said, are now more daring to commit traffic offenses.
With the introduction of the A.E.S., the government hopes to raise the POBC to between 75% – 95% within 2 years implementation.
Malaysia’s road death fatalities rank 46th out of 172 countries, according to a survey conducted by the World Health Organisation (W.H.O.) on Road Safety in 2009.
The W.H.O. says one way to control or reduce traffic offense was to control speeding.
Last year, Malaysia’s traffic accidents increased 5 fold, from 75,626 in 1989 to 39,330. This incidentally is an increase of 79%.
According to the department’s studies conducted, the major cause of road accidents was rampant speed violations. It is said to be responsible for 60% of road mishaps!
With the implementation of the latest A.E.S., first in Selangor and Perak, then in September the entire of Malaysia, hopefully accident will decrease.
Actions to curb reckless driving should both be severe and yet uncompromising, so said Datuk Sureet Singh, the Director-General of Road Safety Department.
It is genius idea to have traffic cameras. Now people know that they may get a big fine if they keep driving on a red light. Thanks
Malaysian has little choice but to adopt the A.E.S. to be in line with other 1st world countries. Thanks for your comments anyway.
I agree,it will help in monitoring road activities.It will serve as an eye for everyone to follow road rules and regulations.
Your comments are noted. You are absolutely correct. Following rules and regulations is the gateway to prevent accidents.