In one’s quest to get Driving Licence, a person has to do his/her 02 (5 1/2 hours) within an institute’s premises. Amongst other things, a student is taught:
(i) Going up a slope successfully
(ii) Side parking
(iii) 3 point turn
(iv) “S” manouver
(v) “Z” manouver
Before the above 5 items , a student has to be taught:-
(a) R.P.K. (Rutin Pemeriksaan Kenderaan)
(b) R.S.M. (Rutin Sebelum memandu)
A Failure in (a) R.P.K. or (b) R.S.M. is believed to disqualify a candidate proceeding further.
He/she is not allowed to do other 02 maneuver such as Slope, Side parking, 3 point turn , “S” and “Z”.
In this 1st part of R.P.K., I will make brief illustration on how a student can go about doing it Correctly, Fast and Clearly.
Step 1:
Stand at the Left hand side of the Perodua Axia car used.
Wish the tester “Good morning”.
Then introduce yourself, e.g. Lim TK, Candidate 50.
Then point to the “Road Tax Disc”, the disc can still be used.
Then, put both your palms on the front windscreen, saying:- “The windscreen is not broken, and can still be used”.
Thirdly, pick up one of the car wipers, and say “The wipers are in good order. They need not be changed”.
After this, a student then goes and stand in front of the car. You will have to put your hands on the “Bonnet”.
I will continue to explain the rest of R.P.K. in the next 2nd part of the article.
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