Driving Safety

Dangerous Situation When Driving And How To Avoid Them

At times, we encounter dangerous situations when driving. A good, competent driver should be able to deal with them. This article will highlight some of them. Hopefully it might help to avoid some accidents from happening. Traveling through a road in a housing estate, we observe a car slowly reversing out from a house. What [...]

By | 2012-09-22T10:27:35+08:00 November 24th, 2009|Driving Safety|Comments Off on Dangerous Situation When Driving And How To Avoid Them

Obey The Zebra Crossing Rules Or Else

A school should actually be the safest place a child goes to. Zebra crossing practically are painted at the front gates of all schools. They aid the traffic warden to direct school children safely across the road. But as we ponder about it, do most drivers really know what is a zebra crossing? What do [...]

By | 2012-09-22T10:27:41+08:00 November 23rd, 2009|Driving Safety|0 Comments