Driving Safety

Correct Seating Position When Driving A Car

The seating position of a driver when driving a car is very important. Amongst other things, “testers” do pay attention to the correct seating position of a student during a test. A few marks are deducted from a student’s overall marks, which may or may not lead to his or her failing the entire test. [...]

By | 2013-07-12T10:46:40+08:00 October 3rd, 2009|Driving Safety|2 Comments

Ops Sikap 20 Campaign A Miserable Failure?

Rise In Road Fatalities Should Serve As Wake Up Call This year’s Ops Sikap 20 Campaign launched from the 13th September to 27th September 2009 in conjunction with the Hari Raya Aidil Fitri celebration is finally over. Hundreds, if not thousands of Police, J.PJ., Bomba, Hospital Authorities personnel involved in some way or other should [...]

By | 2012-09-22T10:36:01+08:00 October 2nd, 2009|Driving Safety|0 Comments

3 Simple Tips To Prevent Car Accidents

3 Simple But Important Things A Driver Should Observe In this article, I wish to point out 3 simple but important things a drivers should observe. 1) Traffic lights junctions. Most drivers appear to be impatient or restless while waiting for the lights to turn green. The younger drivers especially, will be revving their engines, [...]

By | 2012-09-22T10:37:38+08:00 September 28th, 2009|Driving Safety|0 Comments