
The Bicycle as a Means of Transport Today

J. K. Starley invented the bicycle. Gottlieb Daimler, the car. If both were to be alive today, Starley would be the much richer billionaire than Daimler. Why should this be so? Because if China and India were to combine… Combine what, you may ask? Don’t be impatient, let me finished my statement. If China and [...]

By | 2012-09-22T10:32:34+08:00 October 26th, 2009|Driving Safety|0 Comments

Sambal Belacan Lady Charged In Court

How to make sambal belacan “Fined For Lack Of Belacan”, an article in the Daily Chili of the Star newspaper, sure brought back some memories. As a young boy, I ate a lot of “nasi lemak” wrapped in banana leaves. If you are wondering why your nasi lemak lately seems to have lost its “oomph”, [...]

By | 2009-10-26T01:02:24+08:00 October 25th, 2009|My Memories|0 Comments

Mat Rempit In Malaysia – Here’s Your Fine!

The youths of today have created a problem which the government does not seem to be able to solve. “Illegal racing” or better known as “merempit motor” is popular among the young. Anyone involved in the illegal racing of motorcycles will be charged under Section 81 of the R.T.O (Road Traffic Ordinance) 1987. What does [...]

By | 2012-09-22T10:34:09+08:00 October 15th, 2009|Driving In Malaysia|2 Comments