Is there a possibility that O.K.U. (Orang Kurang Upaya) who intend to purchase a new vehicle be given a special discount?
To be fair, I have given priority to articles specially written for the O.K.U. or “disabled”. This short article is intended for them.
A frequent user of the L.R.T. (Light Rail Transport) system, you’ll surely observe, seats which are specially reserved for the O.K.U.
Most passengers of the L.R.T. do help or assist “blind” people using the transport system. Likewise in transport systems as buses and other transport facilities such as lifts and public escalators. The public do lend a hand in helping the unfortunate.
Do you know that in our hospitals, O.K.U.s are actually accorded special treatment?
Observe the sign boards hanging all over. One says with absolute clarity. “Special treatment is to be given to the O.K.U., the disabled or the orang cacat”.
If you’re over 70 or an infant below 1 year old, preference is also accorded to you.
So much for our “masyarakat penyayang” or caring society. Especially for our O.K.U. or disabled brethren.
In case you’re unaware, there are special lifts to cater for the O.K.U. Large hotels and buildings nowadays do have these amenities for the disabled.
More and more buildings and establishments are beginning to have toilet facilities and bathrooms specially meant for the less unfortunate. This definitely augers well for the O.K.U.
With regards to parking areas, those blue coloured areas with a wheel chair emblem on it are in actual fact meant specially for the disabled people.
So dear readers, kindly do not ever encroach into such areas.
By doing so, you’ll be causing extreme difficulty or suffering to some less fortunate folks.
So have a heart the next time around. Please let me implore you on the O.K.U.’s behalf, do not take their place reserved for them.
By now, you must be wondering, what I am trying to imply with all these examples and O.K.U. stories. Actually, I have am important message to convey to you!
Some O.K.U. have written in to ask of me. Can disabled people request for a special discount when they wish to buy a new car?
I am not in the Barisan or P.K.R. government, actually have no idea over such things.
As said much earlier in this blog, “all things asked must have an answer”. Confucius, the famous philosopher said that, I think.
Although not in the government, I have enough experience to comment on such question asked.
From experience, friends of mine who possess driving school establishment, used to inform me, driving schools then were normally able to get a special discount of RM1000 –RM2000 whenever they decide to buy a new car.
So, there you have it O.K.U. folks, take heart. Don’t feel too disheartened.
The only problem seems to be, I don’t know which department you have to ask.
Maybe there are some good Samaritan readers who may know the answer. So what about chipping in to provide the answer. Give a comment or two.
The little I know of the tax procedures, I shall share with you. If incorrect, please kindly excuse me for it.
You see, the government is suppose to impose a levy on all new cars. Imported and locally assembled vehicle both face this tax.
In case of the O.K.U. people, this tax can be waived. Thus making it cheaper for the disabled people to purchase a new car.
To all those O.K.U., who feel they ought to be given special treatment, especially with regards to purchasing cars, you can definitely put in your request to the relevant authorities!
But remember, please refrain from quoting me. I may be very well be inaccurate. I am just voicing out my opinion only. Anyway, good luck!
Nissan new car for oku government tax got 50% offer for oku?
if the person with oku card is bankruptcy already,can he purchase car?thanxx
If the person is willing to buy your car with cash, it’s not a problem.
If the person wants to get a car loan, being a bankrupt, the bank will decline the application.