In a minor accident between 2 drivers, the issue can be settled in 2 ways.
1) Making a police report at the police station.
2) An amicable settlement among the drivers involved.
To go to the police station is normally a hassle.
It might take 2 – 3 hours.
Besides being fined, the guilty party can even lose his N.C.B. (No Claim Bonus) the year following.
So, between the above 2 form of settlements, you are advised to opt for the 2nd one.
If you should choose to make a police report, both parties should go to the police station to make the report within 24 hours.
A compound summons issued by the police authorities normally amounts to RM300.
Pay it in one month or be ready to be hauled to court.
Compared to former times, where drivers can afford to ignore summons, today, with the aid of computer technology, the police authorities are better equipped.
They can now go after non-payment or of summons.
Within a month, the police headquarters at Bukit Aman will certainly send you a reminder should your fail to settle your outstanding summons due.
This would soon be followed by a “warrant of arrest” issued by the police authorities against you.
The expenses of issuing a warrant costs approximately RM200.
This figure will be added to your amount of summons you have to pay, making it eventually RM500.
With this detailed description, it is hoped that drivers will make payment or settlement of traffic summons more seriously.
Compound summons can be settled rather easily at any police department.
It takes only but a few minutes.
As reiterated, most police stations nowadays are computerized.
No paperwork is required.
Just bring long your summons and money for payment.
You are advised to keep your receipt safely.
It is best if you could keep the receipt in a special file folder.
You can never know when you might need it.
From my personal experience, a summons received and already paid, yet received a reminder from Bukit Aman.
Although online, such discrepancies still occur.
Prior to setting their summons, some drivers feel they would like the summons reduced.
Well, if you have friends or acquaintances to assist you, why not?
Especially the higher ranking offices, as A.S.P.s or O.C.P.D.s in the police department.
These officers are authorized to lower any summons issued.
Even summonses for minor offences have been written off by high ranking officers.
Pertaining to the subject of trying to get your summonses reduced, it would be best if you could visit the nearest traffic police department in town to have a word with the O.C.P.D.
Believe me, police personnel today are quite a friendly and helpful lot.
Who knows, the chief might even be considerate enough to offer you a reduction you might be too happy to receive.
Next, we arrive at the question of paying a summons via a third person.
Is this practice advisable?
From my personal experience, the answer to the question above is “no”.
Excuse me, but I feel this way.
It’s best you pay up all summonses due to you personally.
Friends may be friends, but where money is concerned, no one could be trusted with it.
So, take my advice, pay up your traffic summonses yourself, no matter how busy you are.
Lest it is forgotten, all accidents must be informed to your insurance company within a week.
Insurance companies, although are huge concerns, have a dirty habit of trying to disclaim minor incidents such as yours.
Finally, to all drivers, do pay a visit to the police traffic department a few days after settling your summons, to get your copy of the police report.
You might need it some time in the near future.
Again, keep it safely in your special file folder you have been advised to open up earlier in this article.
A minor accident nevertheless, but it can cause a lot of hassle.
So drive carefully and avoid going to the police station if you can.
when the trafik light at red, i am answering a call but when i start to go, i have end the call but we i putting down the handphone, the trafic police saying i am using mobile while driving. finally he issue a summon to me. can i appeal?
or negotiate at a lower amount instead of RM300?
He ask me to appeal later, the summon ask to appear in person on/b4 25.6.12 at Mahkamah Majustret in Petaling Jaya.
Please advise.
thank you
See the authorities which summoned you. Request for your summons to be compounded. In my opinion, the police were right in their decision.
Hello CIkgu Yap, I was caught driving above 80, then the summon stated i need to appear in court, the summon is coumpoundable and my p lisence expired 2 days before the summon is issued. But then he didnt issue summon for my expired license, what is the status of my license now? Should i pay up first or, appear in court?
Not all stretches of our highway have the 80 km/h speed limit. As your summons is compoundable, pay it up as soon as possible. The fate of your P license however depends on the demerit system which might come into play later on.
Hi Cikgu, if i report 24hours after the accident. Will i got summon from the police too?but i am not at fault, i am the victim . The summon will be issued only to the party who bang my car? Or both parties also got summon?
You could report to the police even after 24 hours. I don’t think you will be fined at all. In certain cases, both parties can be summoned. It all depends on the police.