4 Ways To Easily Lose Your New Driving License

What are some of the things which P drivers normally commit which will cause them to lose their driving license?

1) Failure to follow rules and regulations laid down by the authorities.

A young, 17 year old P driver, who got his P license, J. Yen, took a group of his friends in his mum’s Honda vehicle to Subang Jaya. Not only did J. Yen ignore speed limits allowed on the highway, I was told by reliable sources that he even ignored traffic signs of No Entry by entering into it. This tantamount to being considered as dangerous driving, which no good driver should do.

If the JPJ or Road Transport Department officials were crossing the area when the above incident took place, this instructor is certain that the RTD officers would definitely have summoned the young P driver. His license then, would have been suspended for one year. He would then have to do a retest for Part II(parking) and Part III(Road test) of his practical test.

2) Not affixing P signage or emblems in front and at the rear of a vehicle driven by P drivers.

Although this ruling has been told to P drivers, unfortunately this ruling has been again been ignored by new drivers. Under the Demerit point system, P drivers are liable to lose their newly acquired licenses should they drive a vehicle with no P emblems on it.

Two years ago, my kampong and childhood friend, a Mr. Ong T.P., a TV electrician, came to see me about his son, who was summoned by RTD officers near Sepang, Selangor. Ong’s son was said to have driven a vehicle with no P sign at the rear of his vehicle. Supposedly, the P sign had dropped off without his realizing it.

The young man was handed a summon which he failed to settle in time. This resulted in Mr. Ong’s son eventually having his license blacklisted by the authorities. To lift the ban on Ong’s son, much hassle was involved in getting out a duplicate copy of the summons to facilitate payment. Hopefully, this story will be taken heed of by other young P drivers.

3) Not obeying traffic lights.

A student of mine, Tan T.S., who runs an accessory shop in Jalan Meru, Klang, once beat the traffic lights at Shah Alam, five kilometers from Klang. Another friend of the above person mentioned above, who was following behind Tan’s car, also did the same thing. Both drivers were P or provisional drivers.

The Demerit points system emphatically reiterated that a total of 10 demerit points could be handed to a P driver under probation. A total of 10 points could cause P driver to lose his driving license. Tan and his friend’s actions of ignoring the traffic lights at Shah Alam was unfortunately witnessed by a JPJ officer which was in reality following behind them.

The 2 youngsters were immediately stopped. The officers decided to take stern actions upon both P drivers. No amount of appeals could save the above two motorists. The P drivers who ran a traffic light, had their licenses suspended. They had to take a retest in order to drive again. Both were also suspended from driving for a year.

My former student, Tan T.S. came to see me one day. He wanted to do retest. All in all, Tan had to spend RM700 to do a retest at my institute’s testing ground located at the 5th mile Kampung Jawa Road in Klang.

And finally, I believe that giving readers of this blog another sample of how P drivers could lose their P licenses should be sufficient to deter you from doing things which might cause your P driving license from being withdrawn or suspended.

4) P license holders instructing their classmates/school mates at newly constructed supermarket parking lots.

Lately, I have come to know of certain P license holders, especially school children from well to do families driving to schools in their parents’ cars. Before continuing to delve into this problem, allow me to advise one and all a few important things:

i. To drive, the Akta Pengangkutan Jalan 1987 clearly stipulates that under Section 26(1) of the above Act, a person who wishes to drive must possess a driving license. Teaching a classmate to drive in your family car therefore is an offence. The P license owner is infact committing a few offences such as:-

a. You have no certificate to instruct anyone driving.

b. Your classmates/ school mates do not possess a valid license to drive. Therefore, if any mishaps or accidents should take place, your vehicle’s insurance company, will disclaim liability.

Pondering over all of the above factors that I have put forward, I’m sure you’ll be able to realize that what you are doing is indeed a very dangerous and stupid thing to do, you should therefore refrain from whatever you are doing now before any unforeseen incidents happen. Do not attempt to teach your classmates/ school mates how to drive illegally.

P drivers should contemplate what I have put forward for the perusal of all. Hopefully in doing so, you will be able to prevent your P driving license from being withdrawn or suspended by the relevant authorities, that is, the Road Transport Department, in the event that you are caught or arrested.

The above are but some of the ways and manner in which P drivers can end up losing their licenses.

By | 2012-09-20T22:39:06+08:00 July 11th, 2012|Driving License|10 Comments

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  1. tsyhll July 16, 2012 at 1:40 pm - Reply

    I want to know with the current Malaysia traffic law, is there any limit on summonses I could get?

    Meaning, let say after I acquired 20 summons in the duration of a year, police or JPJ could take my license for good.

    Or no limit, as long as i could afford to pay the summons, I could get as many summons from the police and still drive.

    My particular question is on speeding offence.

    Second question, what is the range acceptable for over speeding at the speed limit? Car speedometer have their tolerances, traffic camera also have its own tolerances. Will you get summon if you speed 91 km/h on 90 km/h speed limit?

    Thank you.

    • Cikgu Yap July 19, 2012 at 3:57 pm - Reply

      As fas as I’m aware, the authorities does not normally restrict you from driving. But you may well be blacklisted. Then you will not be able to renew licenses and road tax eventually. So, faithfully settle your summons would be be my advice. Of late, even if you exceed by 1 km/h, you are considered as guilty. You then will be summoned.

  2. Dani July 26, 2012 at 7:38 am - Reply

    Dear Cikgu,

    Can I learn driving in Malaysia with a foreign marriage certificate to a Malaysian? Or must be a Malaysian marriage cert?

    Thank you.

    • Cikgu Yap July 27, 2012 at 4:44 pm - Reply

      I see no restriction regarding your learning driving in Malaysia. But remember, you should have concrete evidence of your marriage to a Malaysian.

  3. Peter July 26, 2012 at 7:40 am - Reply

    Hello Cikgu Yap!
    I was told by the instructor who did the 6hour bengkel that people who do not currently have any other license can renew their L (when it dies after 2 yr period) but they have to retake everything from the beginning. Now here’s the twist. Those who *do* have other licenses (like a car license etc), when their L license for the motorcycle dies after the 2 yr period, they cannot ever get a full license, but they can still continue using L (in other words forever limbo using L license). The logic does not make sense if they are trying to discourage users from “piara” their L license for long time. Did this instructor just tell some kind of cerita dongeng? I’m sure he meant well to discourage people from just continually being on L for years and years but at the same time I feel (if what he said was untrue) that he could have at least not made up something as fact.
    One more thing, where is the appropriate place to stick the L stickers? I’m confused on where it should be on the front of the motorcycle, is there a good representative picture that I could see? I guess the back is fine if it’s on the mudguard below the license plate?
    When you say 35 days do you mean 35 days from the day you received the L license itself (when they issued it to you)? Or 35 days from when I took the bengkel? If it’s 35 days from the license issue (I only picked it up today) then I have a long time to practice for my test, I just signed for latihan amali today as well.
    By the way I have to commend you and your son for making such a great resource on the net, keep it as active as you can :) I’ve learnt so many things about licenses, laws, and rules from here that I may have otherwise not been aware of. I need to redirect my other family members to this site. Thanks!

    • Cikgu Yap July 27, 2012 at 4:43 pm - Reply

      In a way, what your instructor said is true. Those possessing car license are exempted from Highway Code, thus their L license can be renewed indefinitely and use if for riding motorcycles. However, they cannot do practical tests.

      It is incorrect to say those without any form of licenses, cannot renew thier L license to ride a motorcycle. As a matter of fact, they can continue to renew it and ride, again for a certain period of time until JPJ, the authorities disallows its usage later. It’s always best for one to have passed the Highway Code. This will make you a better rider. Anyway, one should always bear in mind using the L license perpetually is always more expensive than owning a P license.

      The plates for the front can be fixed below the head lamp in front. As you said, you face no problem with the rear plates. So, I shall not describe it.

      Testing only after 35 days refer from the time your L license is issued. In fact, you can only test after 30 days. Finally, thanks for your wonderful comments. My son and myself are very happy you find our blog useful. Hope you will inform other members of your family about it. That includes your friends and colleagues too.

      • Peter July 28, 2012 at 3:49 pm - Reply

        Thank you for answering! One last question, does it matter if the sticker is on the left or right, or does it have to be in the center of the front?

        • Cikgu Yap July 30, 2012 at 1:26 pm - Reply

          It doesn’t matter. Important thing is display it prominently.

  4. teo October 23, 2013 at 11:05 am - Reply

    Hi Cikgu Yap,
    just want to ask if I transfer driving institute let say now I am in Sabah and I wanted to transfer it to another institute in Selangor.my driving instructor tells me that there is a transfer fee of $100?Is this true Thanks

    • Cikgu Yap November 1, 2013 at 8:21 pm - Reply

      Go to your former institute. Get a transfer letter from the,. Also get your old records (Borang 4). Most institutes will charge a few ringgit for services.

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