If you are an employer in Malaysia, you may be actively hiring and recruiting new staff and employees.
When a new staff is recruited, it is your responsibility to inform the Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN) or the Inland Revenue Board Of Malaysia.
To do that, you have submit the Form CP22.
Officially, CP22 is known as Notification of New Employee.
In Bahasa Malaysia, it is known as Borang Pemberitahuan Pekerja Baru.
The CP22 form is to be sent to any LHDN branch.
Inside the form, you are required to fill in the following information:
- Employer’s number
- Employer’s telephone number
- Particulars of new employee such as name, income tax number, identity card number, nature of employment, commence data of current employment etc.
- Terms of employment
To download Form CP22 in PDF format, please click on the link below.
Click here to download Form CP22
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