Speeding Night Club Bouncer Was Eventually Stopped In His Tracks

In the 1970s, I recall teaching a Mr Lim. What this student’s full name is, I have since forgotten. Mr Lim was then in his forties. In reality, the above student already possessed a driving license.

Through sheer neglect and indifference, Mr Lim’s driving document became null and void. He had permitted it to lapse for more than 3 years. As a result, Lim had to do a retest to get back his driving license.

Mr Lim, I remember was then living next to Pui Ying Primary School along 4th mile, Kapar Road, Klang. Although staying with his wife and children at the above address, Lim worked as a bouncer in a nightclub in Johore Baru, near Singapore. Lim went on to tell me, he used to travel rather frequently to Johore Baru in his red 2000 c.c. Mitsubishi car.

In many of my conversations with Mr Lim, this student of mine told me something which I found hard to believe. Lim said, he could travel from Kuala Lumpur to Johore Baru in less than 2 hours. Taking into consideration the fact that the distance from K.L. to Johore Baru is approximately 250km and that the maximum speed limit of our national expressway is 110km/h, my friend Lim must have been speeding away at speeds of over 180km/h to achieve the above feat.

This student told me a story which I feel should be related to all my blog readers. Once Lim said he left Kuala Lumpur at about 2.00 pm, he was in fact late and in hurry to get to Johore Baru. This time around, Lim was speeding as usual well over 180km/h.

At Nilai, a small town approximately 60 – 70 kilometres from Kuala Lumpur, police personnel manning a road there, were unable to stop Mr Lim who was travelling excessively fast that day. My student had in fact sped past the police, even before they could take out their pens to record his car registration number.

The police in Nilai then radioed their counterparts in Seremban about the speeding red car of Mr Lim. Students who are familiar with Malaysian towns well, should know that Seremban is more or less 120km from Kuala Lumpur.

As the story unfolds, Mr Lim who was travelling very fast that afternoon in excess of no less than 200 km/h. I believe he was once again not stopped by the police authorities at Seremban. The police were becoming rather apprehensive. They now suspected that Lim must be ferrying drugs in his car. If not, why has Lim chosen to go so fast and had refused to stop at police road blocks set up for him thus far?

The police authorities then contacted their counterparts, this time at Gemas to stop Lim. Gemas as far as I’m aware is approximately 150km from Kuala Lumpur. This time around, the police felt that by hook or by crook, my friend Lim had to be stopped at Gemas and at all costs.

A road block was immediately set up at Gemas. I was told the police spread a spikes barrier across the entire road to prevent Mr Lim from getting across the road block laid out.

At Gemas, Lim found the road block and steel spikes barrier too much for him to handle. With pistols drawn, the police stopped Lim’s car and ordered him to disembark. Lim was asked to stand astride, put his hands on his car bonnet while the police frisked him thoroughly.

The police in fact found nothing. Lim was not carrying any drugs whatsoever. Although Lim was speeding away from Kuala Lumpur to Gemas at speeds well over 200 km/h that day, the police at that time did not possess sophisticated ray guns to record the speed at which he was travelling. The police therefore could not cite Lim for the offence of speeding.

Lim was set free. The police had no evidence that my friend, Mr Lim was indeed speeding on that particular day.

However, if the above incident which be felled Lim way back in the 1970s had happened today, the above incident would not have taken place. I will therefore have no opportunity to tell readers about it today.

By | 2012-09-21T18:08:23+08:00 January 20th, 2012|Driving In Malaysia|8 Comments

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  1. nsk January 21, 2012 at 12:54 pm - Reply

    Great story, Mr Yap!

    Was smiling while readin it.

    It has been eons since I receive your newsletter.

    • Cikgu Yap January 22, 2012 at 4:54 pm - Reply

      To know that my article has succeeded in making you “smile” as you read it, more than I can ask for!

  2. Encik Nelson January 22, 2012 at 10:21 am - Reply

    This is definitely going on my Facebook profile :)

    • Cikgu Yap January 22, 2012 at 4:54 pm - Reply

      Thank you. Your comments do elate me tremendously.

  3. Aaron Basedow January 30, 2012 at 5:41 pm - Reply

    Great experience you have shared. Keep posting such an interesting stuff in future, too.

    • Cikgu Yap February 1, 2012 at 11:55 pm - Reply

      Always delighted to have constructive comments from you. Thanks a lot. Will try to do as you suggest.

  4. Kennedy February 20, 2012 at 10:33 am - Reply

    In the 1970s Seremban was exactly 40miles from KL along Highway Route 1 in those days, it was not possible to drive through the roads mentioned at 200kmh. 40miles is 64 km . Facts seems to be compromised for dramatisation effect. Secondly the winding roads and hilly roads between Seremban and KL would have limited driving in those days to around 100mph or 160 kmh and not 200kmh as claimed.
    An even if Polis did not have technological evidence mathematical evidence would be sufficient to convict the fellow travelling from KL Gemas in that time.

    • Cikgu Yap February 21, 2012 at 1:30 pm - Reply

      Thank you for your keen observation and comments. I wish to reiterate that the article in question took place some over 50 years ago. As such, facts and figure quoted are in reality, rather vague. Furthermore, speeds and distances referred to in the article are mostly assumptions and approximations. If certain speed and distances quoted appear to be ridiculous or illogical, permit me to apologise for it.

      Nevertheless, I must admit that in writing in article, dramatisation and the intention to create sensation is always present.

      With regards to your contention that the police and other authorities can convict a driver based on mathematical evidence alone is something I cannot agree with. Photographic evidences are required in the courts of laws as proofs that a driver has indeed committed the offence of speeding.

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