Why Is It Necessary For The Authorities To Conduct Road Blocks?
The Police and the Road Transport Authorities are the ones normally that conducts road blocks. The Custom Department do also conduct road blocks, but very rarely.
Sometimes, road blocks are conducted by both the Police and Transport Authorities simultaneously.
Assuming, a large bank in town was robbed by a notorious gang and they have got away with a large sum of money. Then obviously the Police will no doubt conduct road blocks to attempt to prevent the robbers from getting away with the bounty.
In the case of the Road Transport Department, road blocks are held sometimes to stop illegal races. Special mention must also be made regarding motorcycling youths or “Mat Rempits”.
When the Authorities get “wind” regarding such races being held, they, together with the Police authorities will conduct road blocks immediately to disrupt these illegal races.
In Malaysia, road blocks are sometimes required to prevent certain political parties, which from time to time organize rallies to protest against the ruling government’s decision.
In I.S.A. or the Internal Security Act is good example. Members of political parties scheduled to assemble at certain locations like the Merdeka Square, will have to be stopped to prevent such unwarranted meetings from taking place. Such assembly will disrupt peace.
The Police especially, will have to organize road blocks and turn away thousands of ardent supporters from trying to meet at a particular place as organized.
Besides the above mentioned types of road blocks organized either by the Police or the J.P.J., on going spot checks, especially by the Transport Authorities on tinted glasses are also conducted.
Such checks are necessary as the public do sometimes make complaints and the Authorities have little choice but try to appease the public’s complaints.
When festivals such as Hari Raya, Chinese New Year, Deepavali and Christmas seasons approach, the Police, as well as the Transport Authorities have to conduct road blocks to curb drink driving offences.
In line with the above offences, obviously offences linked to drug abuse will also become a target as well.
When referring to road blocks, mention should also be made with regards to the government’s annual Ops Sikap Campaign, which is conducted with the aim of preventing road accidents.
Without doubt, accident rates in the country have decreased tremendously. This year, 2009, Ops Sikap Campaign is scheduled in end of September.
It is hoped this year’s campaign, as part of the Police’s efforts to reduce accidents during this year’s festival season, will bring about better results.
Are these the only types of road blocks we commonly see in Malaysia today? Obviously, the answer is certainly not.
Normal road blocks are conducted by both the Police and the Transport Authorities.
In such road blocks, only may wish to know what they check. In such blocks, things such as:
1) License and identity card.
2) Road tax.
3) Tyre condition.
4) General condition of the vehicle.
5) Puspakom inspection discs.
These are some of the things checked by the authorities concerned.
As Malaysia has all types of nationals, from Bangladesh, Myanmar, India, Indonesia, Vietnam and so forth are found working here, there foreigners are obviously checked for their work permits and necessary documents.
Those without these important documents will most definitely be detained and almost certain to be deported.
Road blocks by the Police, the J.P.J. and Customs as well are all necessary. Motorists may feel such blocks may cause much inconvenience to drivers as a whole, but thinking about it carefully, they are but a necessary tool for the prevention of many unwarranted things that the country would like to prevent from happening.
So as good citizens and motorists, we should in fact applaud what the authorities are attempting to do.
Sometimes roadblocks are good, most of the times they are more a nuisance than a facility for either the govt or the public.
You are entitled to your opinion. If you read my article, you’ll see I’ve given the pros and cons of it.
roadblocks are very important to check out ,
*the drivers who are drinking& driving
*to check out licence & insurance,other legal documents
*to check out general condition of the vehicles
Glad you see the necessity of road blocks.
Teacher Yap, may I know what is [Puspakom inspection discs]. Is it the little sticker which stick on the windscreen?
Puspakom discs are given to commercial vehicles to be posted onto windscreen to show proof it has undergone inspection.
Btw how can we know the roadblock is from authorized personnel? These day there are many cases of bogus police and JPJ enforcement officer. Besides that there are many police or JPJ officer that set-up their own roadblock instead of a operation, this kind of roadblock usually consist of only 2 officers and it’s very inconvenience for road user that rushing in time. So is there any way for us to confirm the genuineness of the roadblocks?
In my opinion, road blocks set up by one or two officers are unofficial. Should it cause the public inconvenience, note down the place, time and which department is conducting the exercise. Snap a photograph with your camera phone if possible. Finally, contact the relevant authorities to confirm its authenticity.
under section 78 of the road transport act 1987, a written authorization must be given from a rank of an inspector or above for a road block to be legal. however if any one knows what are the standard operating procedure for conducting a road block i.e. the number of ‘papan tanda berhent’, where should it be placed, the number of cones, the number of signs etc and where should it be placed would be helpful. thank you