What You Should Do If You Pass The D, B2 or B Full Practical Tests
For Class D (Cars), a student who passes the Slope Test, Side Parking and 3 Point Turn would have been considered to have Passed the Part 1 and Part 2 of the Practical Test.
A computer form would then be issued to the student by the testers.
Upon finishing or completing the Part 3 (Jalan Raya), and achieving a minimum of 16 Marks and above, the student would have been considered to have passed the entire test. Another computer form would then be given to the student.
When the blue test card (JPJL3) is handed to the student eventually, the student is officially considered to have Passed all 3 aspects of the practical driving test.
Normally, it’s the driving school proprietor who is responsible to make arrangements to secure the “P” (Probationary) license for the student.
What are the requirements needed to get the above license?
The requirement are as below:
1) Supply 1 copy colour photo I.C or MyKad size.
2) Photostat “L” license both sides.
3) Photostat MyKad or I.C. both sides.
4) Payment for “P” for 2 years (RM60) and service fee RM5 to RM10.
If the practical test of your institute was held on Monday, your instructor would most probably process your “P” license on Friday.
Try seeing your instructor on Saturday. If you’re lucky, your P license will most probably be ready by then.
Don’t forget however, to get you P stickers from your instructor also.
What happens if you succeeded to pass only 1 part of your Practical test?
Then, you will be considered to have Failed!
A candidate failing, will be supplied with 2 copies of computer forms and also the blue test card (JPJL3).
To enter the retest, normally scheduled for the following week, you have to supply your instructor the following things below:
1) The 2 computer forms.
2) Sign the Borang 4.
3) Supply I.C. Photostat both sides.
4) “L” license Photostat both sides.
5) Entry fee for retest (ask your instructor for the figure).
Your instructor will also make arrangements to teach you 2 extra compulsory lessons over the weekend.
You test will most probably be held the following week.
The same procedures apply to the B2 and B Full licenses. Except payment for the 2 year “P” will be RM40.
Other documents and requirements remain the same as for cars.
A final word of advice though. Either part of the Practical Test will last for 1 year.
For motorcycles Part 1 (Obstacle) and Part 2 (Hand Signals) will likewise be valid for one year also.
Motorcycles will require smaller “P” stickers. Get them from your instructor, preferably.
Under the Demerit System, a Probationary or “P” driver will receive 10 demerit points if he or she fails to affix the “P” stickers on the vehicle or motorcycle.
10 demerit points will cause your “P” license to be withdrawn!
Dear Cikgu Yap,
I took my test in 2010 when I was 18, and I received my probationary license. Last year in November I was pickpocketed and I lost my important documents, including my IC and the license. I made a police report, and managed to make a new IC, but I couldn’t make a new license in time because I had a long period of college exams. Now I should be able to make my full license, but as there has been several months where I was without my probationary license, will my probationary period be extended or will I have to retake the driving test?
I took the test in March 2010, and considering that I lost the license in November 2011, that makes a time period of roughly 5 months where I was without my license.
Your case appears preplexing. The important thing is when you actually took out your license. Let’s say you took out your P license in April or may 2010, that would make the above license 1 year by May 2011. By May 2012, the above license would have completed its 2 years P grace period. From May 2012, you have 1 year to change your P into CDL. In my opinion, your license is still valid. But take haste and take out your duplicate license now.
Dear Cikgu Yap,
I took jpj test before and i only passing one part of my test. Due to certain problem, i want to change the driving institute. However, the previous institue doesnt provide me any blue test card after the test day. I went to that insitute to ask for the bluetest card but they only provide me surat pelepasan and said no document on their side . My question is do i need to bring the test card to new institute? Since my previous institute doent keep my test card, is there alternative document to bring to my new institute? For example the result of jpj test that i can primt from jpj website.